

What is Big Data Hadoop

PublishedJune 22, 2022

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It refers to a cluster of large data sets that would be unable to be processed by a regular computer. It comprises a variety of techniques and frameworks and does not refer to just one particular system. 

What Constitutes Big Data?

Big Data is data produced by large websites and apps. Below are some of the disciplines that fall within the Big Data umbrella.

  • Big Data is often used in airplanes, helicopters, etc. It records the crew's voices, mobile conversations, mic recordings, etc., for analysis.
  • The data is generated from user activity on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
  • The stock exchange data contains information on customers' 'buy' and 'sell' choices on various firms' shares.
  • Power grid data that is used by a specific node.
  • The vehicle model and other specifications such as capacity, distance, and availability, are all examples of transport data.
  • Search engine services make use of large volumes of data from other sources. 

Big Data comprises huge volumes of fast-generated data from the above contexts.

Big Data's Advantages

Marketing companies use big data to identify the performance of their campaigns using user data generated from social media platforms. Products are produced, and their scale is determined based on the preferences expressed through the user data from social media. Patients’ past history, as recorded through Big Data, helps hospitals provide services more efficiently and effectively.

Technologies for Big Data

Big Data must be used more in order to ensure more accurate analysis. It would further lead to a more certain way of decision-making. Such appropriateness would lead to better quality services and products. In order to harness Big Data, we need to develop infrastructure that can process the data in a much faster way. Numerous technologies from various suppliers such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and others are available to manage Big Data.

Big Data in Action

MongoDB, for example, provides a set of tools for applications that are based on real-time user interaction. 

NoSQL Big Data systems are built to use new cloud computing architectures that have evolved in recent years. These architectures allow huge calculations to be executed cheaply and effectively, making the processing of large data much more efficient.

Some NoSQL systems can analyze real data without the involvement of data engineers or complementary systems.

Big Data Analytics

It refers to the process of post facto analysis of large data. Some examples are MPP database systems and MapReduce. MapReduce offers a new technique of data analysis that complements SQL's capabilities and a MapReduce-based system that can scale up from a single server to thousands of high and low-end workstations.

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What is Hadoop?

Hadoop is a platform that enables you to store Big Data in a distributed environment before processing it in parallel. To understand what is Big Data Hadoop, we need to understand what Hadoop is comprised of.

Hadoop and its components:

Hadoop is made up of two main components:

The first is the Hadoop distributed File System (HDFS), which enables you to store data in a variety of formats across a cluster. The second is YARN, which is used for Hadoop resource management. It enables the parallel processing of data that is stored throughout HDFS.


HDFS may be seen theoretically as a single unit for storing Big Data, but it actually stores data across numerous nodes in a distributed method, similar to virtualization. The HDFS architecture is master-slave. Namenode is the master node in HDFS, whereas Datanodes are slaves. Data Nodes are where the real data is kept.

Note that we really duplicate the data blocks in Data Nodes, with a replication factor of 3 by default. Because we're utilizing commodity hardware with a high failure rate, if one of the DataNodes breaks, HDFS will still retain a copy of the missing data blocks. You may also customize the replication factor to meet your needs.

Hadoop as a Solution

Let's look at how Hadoop helped solve the Big Data issues we just addressed.

The first issue is storing large amounts of data:

HDFS is a distributed Big Data storage system. You may set the size of blocks that your data is stored in throughout the Data Nodes. Assuming you have 512MB of data and have configured HDFS to produce 128MB of data blocks, HDFS divides data into four blocks (512/128=4) and stores them across several data nodes, replicating the data blocks across multiple data nodes. Because we're utilizing commodity hardware, storage isn't a problem.

It also addresses the scalability issue. It emphasizes horizontal scaling over vertical scaling. Instead of upgrading the resources of your DataNodes, you may always add some new data nodes to the HDFS cluster as needed. Let me simplify that for you: you don't need a 1TB machine to store 1 TB of data. Instead, you may use numerous 128GB systems or even fewer.

The next issue was storing the various types of data:

You can store any kind of data using HDFS, whether it's organized, semi-structured, or unstructured.

The third hurdle was acquiring and processing data more quickly:

We must shift processing to data rather than data to processing to fix it. What does this imply? Rather than transferring data to the master node and processing it, the processing logic is supplied to the numerous slave nodes in MapReduce. Then data is processed in parallel across the slave nodes. The findings are then forwarded to the master node, where they are blended, and the response is sent to the client.


We have ResourceManager and NodeManager in the YARN architecture. NameNode and ResourceManager may or may not be installed on the same computer. However, NodeManagers should be installed on the same computer as DataNodes. YARN allocates resources and schedules tasks to complete all of your processing duties. 

Once again, ResourceManager is a master node. It accepts processing requests and forwards the relevant bits to the appropriate NodeManagers, where the actual processing takes place. Every DataNode has a NodeManager installed. It is in charge of completing the job on each data node.

What is Hadoop in Big Data Analytics?

Hadoop is used for the following:

  • Eyelike Search – Yahoo, Amazon
  • Events Log processing – Facebook
  • Yahoo Data Warehouse – Facebook, AOL

We've seen how Hadoop has made Big Data management feasible so far. However, Hadoop deployment is not suggested in specific situations.

When should you avoid using Hadoop?

Some of these situations are as follows:

  • Data access with low latency: Small amounts of data may be accessed quickly.
  • Multiple data modifications: Hadoop is a better match only if we're just interested in reading data, not altering it.
  • Hadoop is well-suited to circumstances in which we have a huge number of tiny files.

Let's look at a case study where Hadoop worked marvelously after we learned about the top use cases.

CERN-Hadoop Study

The Large Hadron Collider is one of the world's most massive and powerful pieces of equipment. Located in Switzerland, it has roughly 150 million sensors that produce a petabyte of data every second, and the data is constantly expanding.

According to CERN researchers, the volume and complexity of this data have been increasing, and one of the most significant tasks is to meet these scalable criteria. As a result, they created a Hadoop cluster. By utilizing Hadoop, they reduced their hardware costs and maintenance complexity.

They combined Oracle with Hadoop and reaped the benefits. Oracle's Online Transactional System was improved, and Hadoop offered a scalable distributed data processing platform. They initially created a hybrid system by moving data from Oracle to Hadoop. Then, they ran a query on Hadoop data from Oracle using Oracle APIs. They also leveraged Hadoop data formats such as Avro and Parquet for high-performance analytics without changing the Oracle end-user programs. 


As businesses generate and gather massive volumes of data, Big Data is becoming more important. Furthermore, having a vast quantity of data might enhance the possibility of uncovering hidden patterns, which assists in creating Machine Learning and Deep Learning models.

In this blog article, we've provided a basic answer to the question of what Hadoop is (specifically, what Big Data Hadoop is). We've also discussed how to set up and operate a tiny Hadoop server using the Cloudera QuickStart Docker image and how to connect to it using various methods and programming languages.

This is only the tip of the "iceberg" of Big Data, and we've only looked at large data at rest. When dealing with enormous amounts of data, new issues arise, such as splitting data most efficiently or lowering the quantity of data shuffled between cluster nodes to increase speed.
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