As the corporate world is evolving every day, there are numerous competitions for a specific job that you may have graduated from. If you have just graduated from college, and are looking for a job, there are many people you have to compete with to land your first job. The job market is scattered all over the internet and it becomes tough to be updated with the current requirements from the employer. Every recruiter looks for certain skills which would enhance the productivity and image of their company. If a candidate does not have the professional skills expected from them, they will soon have to look for another job. There are a few most important professional skills that every individual should possess so that they can progress in their career. In this present do-or-die world, there are ten professional skills that every person should possess so that they can be successful in their career.
1. Communication
Communication is one of the most important skills that every professional should possess, which includes verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. The way a person talks and presents themselves to the world is one of the most crucial gestures that everyone notices. One important form of communication is email writing, which every professional should know. They have to know to write emails that are well crafted and written and use appropriate format and tone for employers and colleagues alike. Other forms of communication such as verbal and non-verbal communication are also equally important. You should be able to make others understand what you are thinking and should have a strong command of your language. In the future, if you are asked to sell products or services, you should be able to do it without any hesitation. Whether it is about voicing out your opinion in a group discussion, or about asking for the promotion which you are working for, you should communicate your thoughts in a polite yet assertive manner.
Other types of communication should include:
- Business writing
- Conflict management
- Dealing with difficult people
- Brainstorming ideas
- Asking for advice or help
- Delegating your work
- Selling your idea
- Handling office politics
- Managing a positive relationship with colleagues and employers
- Listening and interviewing
- Networking
- Resume writing
- Persuasion
- Small talk
- Written communication
2. Time Management
As the saying goes, “Time and Tide wait for none”, it is very important to manage time because you will be swamped with work. There will be a variety of tasks assigned to you that have to be completed within a certain deadline. This is the time when you have to use your organizational skills to budget your time and also not feel overwhelmed about the work you have to complete. Before taking up any work, and randomly completing it, analyze the amount of time that you would take to complete the work. You may feel that the work never gets over when you poorly manage your time. Also, when you use office timings for your errands, you may seem unprofessional. Employees who show up on time or earlier, are considered as hardworking and dedicated than the ones who always show up late. Be careful to set deadlines that you can meet and do not cross the deadline each time when you have to submit a task. Some of the other skills include:
- Intrinsic motivation
- Punctuality
- Attention to detail
- Project management
- Self-starting
- Organizing work accordingly
3. Interpersonal Skills
No matter how good you are at your work, you would be the type of person who no one would want to work with if you are always rude to others and lack soft skills to interact with people. Interpersonal skills are soft skills that help employees work together to maintain a healthy environment. The individuals should be able to deal with workers, clients, customers, vendors, managers, and other professionals in a manner that would reflect their personality and professionalism. These soft skills are also helpful in networking and managing your career growth. These personal skills include skills such as honesty, ethics, humility, integrity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, creative thinking, competency, patience, persistence, perseverance, and self-confidence. These terms may sound cliche, but the true ingredient of becoming a person with good interpersonal skills lies in these terms.
4. Problem-Solving
Every company needs an employee who can make a problem into an opportunity, and who can look at the bright side of problems and give effective solutions that could solve them. Nobody wants a person that would create a mountain out of a molehill, and rant about smaller issues. Hence, every professional should develop a problem-solving attitude as employers who go through their issues of handling various employees, look for people who would help them look for solutions. When you go beyond your immediate job as assigned and use more knowledge, data, and facts to see places where problems are created and solve them, you develop a problem-solving attitude. When an employer finds that you are a type of person who can handle challenges on your own, and become an effective member of the team, you are a person that they would want to recruit among others.
5. Flexibility
In a world where the future cannot be predicted, organizations look for employees who have the capability of adapting to dynamic changes that the company may have to go through. Recruiters look for employees who are dedicated to the work process and are willing to adjust their timings as per the company’s requirements. While it is important to have a work-life balance, it is advisable for people who are starting their careers to be available for work to show their dedication. Also, this ability reflects the candidate’s interest in their work and also brings positivity to the work culture. Also, industries look for individuals who can multitask without any issues and can meet sudden requirements from the company. The ability to take risks and grab opportunities in any company is the way one can get ahead in one career. The trait of being flexible will also help you make a mark in the industry, especially when you are a fresher.
6. Leadership
Companies always look for people who can become leaders in their respective fields. Whichever role is given to the candidate, in an organization, leadership skills are crucial for the individual to process the role. When you are in a management position or working in a team, you have to be someone who is heard and understood. Taking accountability for your work rather than blaming others for failure, being calm under pressure, and making apt decisions that would be beneficial for the company are some of the traits that a leader should possess. A leader should have a growth mindset and should always be open to new ideas and ways to improve team performance and productivity. Coaching the team members, coordinating resources, influencing people, mentoring and managing meetings, being polite yet assertive, and getting tasks done by people are a few of the important skills that every individual should learn. Leadership also includes speaking your mind and not being afraid of what other people may think about you. Initially, it may seem harder to take criticism, but as the person gains experience, the leadership skills get integrated into the candidate. One piece of advice for people who may not like to be criticized is that if you think you would not take advice from a person, then you should avoid taking criticism from them.
7. Resilience
Failures and setbacks are a part of life, but how you deal with them depends on you which later determines how successful you would become. Resilience indicates the ability to return from the phase of failure face obstacles and continue hustling. Resilience implies that the person is not focused on the ups and downs that come through their journey, but focuses on their long-term goal and enjoys the process on the way. There would be times when the person would lose hope, but the ability to overcome such phases and handle stress positively is the concept of resilience. You are encouraged to face more challenges and difficulties such that you gain a range of experiences about all the opportunities that come your way. Resilience becomes a way of life and does not only have to be implemented in job skills; it is more of a professional skill or a life skill. Hence, when you face a setback or any disappointment about how things did not turn out how you wanted, you should keep moving forward and overcome this phase, because the future may hold better things.
8. Learnability
Every person is a student till they reach their grave as there is a huge amount of knowledge that anyone can acquire. The illiterate today are not the people who cannot read and write but are those people who cannot learn, relearn, or unlearn. Hence, in today’s ever-changing world, you should always be updated about all the concepts and research that is related to your field. When you are working in an environment, where inventions happen every day, who knows that a few years later your job could be handled by an AI bot. Hence, you should keep learning new skills and expanding the horizon of your knowledge. Successful people are those who are always keen to learn and adapt new skills by growing and expanding their knowledge base. These people use their knowledge and skills to respond to whatever is currently happening.
9. Negotiation & Persuasion
Many people lack these skills and settle for whatever they are given. You always have to remember that you miss a hundred percent of the chances you have not taken and that if you do not ask, the answer will be no. Hence, whether it is your salary or appraisal, you have to negotiate with your employer in a polite yet assertive manner. Negotiation is an art that everyone has to learn to survive in the corporate world. Along with that, you should also know how to persuade people whether it is to buy your product or service or it is to delegate your work. These skills would make you a strong candidate in the eyes of the recruiter, and will also help you gain success in your life at a faster pace.
10. Hard Skills
Besides the soft skills that are required in every field, you also need to have expert knowledge about all the basic and recent advances in your field. Hard skills are skills that are job-specific and which help you get hired or promoted. These are the skills that you need to complete your job, such as if you are a developer then writing and executing a specific code, if you are a doctor then, diagnosing and remembering the proper treatment for a disease, etc. When you have an idea about most of the knowledge used in your field, you become confident in your work and can showcase that confidence during meetings and conferences. Hard skills are extremely important as they are the main criteria through which a person is evaluated whether they qualify for the job.
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Skills are essential tools used by individuals to survive in the corporate world. A professional who is starting in the industry, or anyone who is working in the corporate sector, need to have these skills to progress in their career. Skills such as interpersonal skills and communication are extremely important as it shows how well the candidate qualifies for the job interview. Hard skills are skills that you need to know to work such as coding for developers or surgery for a surgeon. Every professional must have these skills mentioned and should start practicing to develop these skills right away to progress in their career and grow as a professional expert. Simpliaxis offers Professional skills certifications and corporate group training that are recognized worldwide, providing individuals with the necessary expertise and credentials to excel in their careers on a global scale.