How to Manage Complex Projects

How to Manage Complex Projects

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Yes, you are right that complex projects are hard to manage. They succeed rarely. Nevertheless, it does not mean that they will turn out to be a complete failure. For most organizations, the results are actually in-between. However, it is not good enough.

Organizations are spending too much on Project Management tools. They do this to ensure that they can easily manage complex projects. Some organizations also provide critical coaching to their staff. Some try out different methodologies. Irrespective of the organization, the goal is to ensure the success of the complex project. Unfortunately, they are not able to get the expected returns from their spending. Let us get some ideas on how to manage complex projects. But, before we do this, we will first throw some light on what makes a project complex.

What Makes A Project Complex?

When you are talking about a complex project, you should remember one thing. Difficult projects do not need to be complex projects. Due to performance or cost, projects can be difficult. But, it does not mean that they are complex. So, what does a complex project mean? This means that projects have a lot of uncertainties attached to them. A project turns out to be complex when it has a budget and other restraints. Also, a project that comes with a limited timeline can be complex. When a project has many moving parts and when it needs the involvement of many stakeholders and teams, it can be complex.

Skills Required to Manage Complex Projects:

Before learning how to handle complex projects, you should again do one more thing. You should first ask yourself whether you have the skills required to handle such a project. You should tick the following boxes of skills when dealing with a complex project:

  • Leadership
  • Expertise
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability


You can get leadership skills out of the experience. It is not a skill that you can learn. You will develop it over time from practical moves and your real life when you work with a team. It is all about motivating and directing your team to give their best.


Leadership and expertise are skills that depend on each other. If you can effectively lead a team, you can deliver the expected results. As a leader with expertise, you should understand one thing: You should comprehend how each member of your team contributes to the overall success of the complex project.


You should be good at communication not only for complex projects but also for any project. Most Project Managers spend nearly 90% of their time communicating. They should converse to help the team understand the project's goals, ideas, and vision. Only when you are good at both written and oral communication can you produce reports and prepare presentations. You can do these things clearly and concisely only when you are good at communicating.


You should collaborate with your team as an efficient Project Manager or Project Leader. You will also have to collaborate with your clients. You should be a bridge between the client and the team. You should convey to the client the hardships that your team faces. Only then can you get the right solution.​​​​​​​


To successfully lead a team in any project, you should be adaptable. If you have managed projects previously, you know that they constantly evolve. You can succeed as a Project Manager only when you evolve with the project. You should be flexible enough to adjust your style of management when the situation changes. This is especially important when you handle a complex project.​​​​​​​

How To Manage Complex Projects?

Now, you are aware of the skills required. But you wish to know how to manage large complex projects, don’t you? Here are some tips to help you:​​​​​​​

Reward, Motivation and Progress:

As a Project Manager or Leader, you know how important it is to keep your team motivated. This is more so important when you handle complex projects. When the tasks are complicated, it is pretty much easy for your team to lose hope. But, this should never happen. The reason is that it is detrimental to their performance and the overall project's success. So, follow a reward-based motivation practice.

You can inspire your team to get ahead when you incentivize them whenever they complete a great task. You might think that your team craves material reward. But, more than a material reward, a reward in the form of progress will motivate them. Most dedicated employees crave being part of lasting and meaningful work. You are responsible for making your team understand how their work is making a difference. When you do it right, they will feel an internal reward to be much more worthy than a pizza party or a day out of the office. You can stay assured that your team will stay motivated when they get to know that their contribution is making a difference.​​​​​​​

Effective Management of Integration is Important:

Project integration management is important for the effective management of complex projects. It is nothing but the art and science of bringing together all the different processes and functions. In turn, you can make it effective and cohesive. When you take the case of complex projects, there are many elements that you can bring together. Some of them will definitely have high levels of uncertainty. There are even chances of greater dependability of external forces or other projects. Now, your question will be how to integrate.

The best thing you can do is to talk to many people in your organization. Keep communicating and share your project vision. Make sure that people gain a better understanding of their role and you should manage change effectively as well. Changes can have a great impact on the project. So, wherever you make a change, make sure that you do it transparently. In turn, others in your team can also know. As a result, they will contribute to the integration process.​​​​​​​

Be Flexible:

The only thing constant in complex projects is change. You might think you have made an amazing project plan. But, it can change over time. If you are not ready to adapt for the sake of your client, there are chances of losing them. So, one of the important tips to manage complex projects is to stay flexible. It is better to make sure that you have processes in place that will permit your team to remain quick. In turn, the members can quickly respond to the changing demands.​​​​​​​

Encourage widespread use of Standardizes Practices:

You might be following the waterfall approach as a Project Manager. Otherwise, you might be following the Agile Approach. You might even use a combination of both. Irrespective of your approach, you should make sure that what you follow is structured and systematic. This is more so important in complex projects. This encompasses using and applying different templates, techniques, tools and retrospectives. It also includes the use of sprints, phase gate reviews and life cycles. With the use of standardized practices, it will be possible to bring down the overall project risk. It will even help improve productivity. In turn, you can expect better outcomes. Also, the variations of Agile have some arrangements and tactics for project execution. The thing to remember here is that Agile is not free for all. It is not a license for ignoring a methodical approach to getting the work done.​​​​​​​

Assign and Keep An Eye on Progress:

As you wish to know how to manage complex projects, you should do micro-management with higher-level managers. Also, you will have to keep an eye on the progress of the project. When you do this, you will be in a position to keep an eye and even resolve technical issues quickly. When it comes to the management of complex projects, quality is important. Apart from rightly identifying the improvement of the project, you should also identify flaws. In turn, you can take steps to fix them quickly so that they will not affect the overall outcome.​​​​​​​

Creative a Positive Team Environment:

When team members support and trust each other, they tend to work better. So, make sure that the work environment is transparent, positive, and open to each member. As a project leader or manager, you should set an example for your team. Stay positive so that you can motivate your team to follow the same approach. In turn, you can ensure a successful outcome despite your team dealing with a complex project.​​​​​​​

Use Collaboration Tools:

Collaboration is an important skill required for a project manager who is asked how to handle complex projects. To make things easier, you can rely on one of the many collaboration tools available these days. Collaborating with all team members and staying organized can be easy in simple projects. But, doing these things can be tough in complex projects. Thanks to the web-based tools! These tools will enable your entire team to access, update, change and create tasks.  


​​​​​​​A good start will help you find the answer to the question of how to manage large complex projects. Simpliaxis offers project management courses that equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge. So, follow these tips and begin with the big picture. Break down the project into manageable parts, ensuring that all team members clearly define and understand each phase. Utilize effective communication channels to keep everyone on the same page, and employ project management tools to track progress and address any issues promptly. You can see your project marching forward towards success with each team member's contribution. Remember, a well-coordinated effort and continuous monitoring are key to navigating the complexities and achieving your project goals.

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