

FAQs on SAFe® SM Certification

Author Raunaak Mitra
Published08 Nov 2023

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Our team of experts have curated these unique FAQs on SAFe® Scrum Master which will be immensely helpful. These Frequently asked questions on SSM provides clarity and incredibly valuable insights for certain individuals who consider to pursue this unique certification.

SAFe® SM Certification FAQs will help candidates get insights into training requirements, prerequisites, and structure of the exam. You’ll also go through the key benefits that come with procuring SAFe® SM certification. This information will help the readers and aspirants evaluate the relevance and worth of the certification. There are many common questions, concerns and queries which are addressed.

Frequently Asked Questions on SAFe® Scrum Master Certification 

Take a look at the FAQs below:

  1. What are the different practical skills you can learn after your SAFe® Scrum Master Certification?

With the certified Scrum Master certification, you will equip yourself with the necessary skills to become a celebrated SAFe® Scrum Master. Our two-day certification program is incredibly interactive and engaging that will help you to develop the skills that are practical. And these skills are something that all employers around the world are looking for. These skills are:

  • Coaching
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Change Management
  • Lean-Agile Management
  • Training Agile Teams
  • Leading & Facilitating Changes
  • Conflict Management
  • Supporting Program Execution
  • Resolving Impediments
  • Facilitation
  • Enhance Team Performance
  • Deliver Maximum Business
  • Scale Business
  • Identify Customer Needs
  • Guide teams to enhance Performance and Productivity
  • Prioritize Team and Product Backlogs
  • Write Features, Capabilities, Stories, and Epics
  1. How is the SAFe® Scrum Master certification going to help me?

SAFe® Scrum Master certification will help you in:

  • Demonstrating an individual’s proficiency concerning SAFe® while applying Scrum at enterprise level
  • Validating the commitment for continued quality and excellence
  • During interviews you’ll get noticed for your certification and training
  • Getting promotions at jobs
  • Getting higher salaries as compared to non-certified professionals
  • Networking with Agile professionals and industry leaders
  • Preparing to advance your career in Agile and Scrum

At this time, the demand for certified SAFe® Scrum Masters is skyrocketing. With this all time high in demand for scrum and SAFe® professionals, the certification will open doors to several opportunities that will lead to higher compensation and a rewarding career.

  1. Is the SSM Certification only for IT professionals?

The certification isn’t meant only for IT professionals but professionals from non-IT background who wish to work as a SAFe® specialist can also enroll for the SSM training courses led by experts. As for our experience and expertise, the followings professionals can benefit from this certification:

  • Scrum Master
  • Project Manager
  • Program Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Release Train Engineer
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Agile Coach
  • Architect
  • Developer
  • Engineer
  • Quality Manager
  • Product Owner
  • Program Manager
  • Director
  • Product Manager
  • Delivery Manager
  1. What comes after SSM certification?

Once you complete the Simpliaxis SAFe® Scrum Master certification, you’ll be greatly equipped in taking roles related to SAFe® Scrum Master and lead in your organization. Furthermore, you can also enhance your knowledge and skills in SAFe® by pursuing the credentials listed below:

  • SAFe® Product Scrum Master
  • SAFe® Product Manager
  • SAFe® Product Owner
  • SAFe® Program Consultant
  • SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master
  1. What are the different prerequisites for attending an SSM certification course?

If you want to take up the SSM certification exam with Simpliaxis, there aren’t any prerequisites involved, however, if you have an understanding of:

  • Agile principles and concepts
  • Kanban, XP, and Scrum
  • Awareness of hardware and software
  1. Do I need PDUs to maintain SSM certification?

After procuring the SSM certification, you’re required to continue your outreach hours PDUs in order to maintain the SAFe® SSM certification.

  1. Am I eligible for any SEUs or PDUs with the certification?

In the Simpliaxis two-day certification program, you’ll be able to earn 16 SEUs and PDUs respectively.

  1. What are the PDUs and SEUs for SAFe® Scrum Master certification?

PDUs mean Professional Development Units which are issued by PMI (Project Management Institute). You will earn the PDUs by simply completing learning opportunities or education training. Furthermore, this will also serve in order to validate your certificate participation and proficiency. Generally, PDUs are regarded as the measuring unit required to quantify your development throughout the certification.

1 PDU = 1 Hour of Learning

SEU, on the other hand, means Scrum Education Unit, a credit which is issued by the Scrum Alliance. It validates your continued proficiency and participation with respect to the Scrum fundamental principles. SEUs are used to demonstrate that you’re getting further and becoming a proficient Scrum Practitioner. With SEU comes 1:1 ratio which suggests one hour of having scrum proficiency equals one SEU.

  1. How can you continue earning PDUs?

The best possible way by which you can earn PDUs is by attending programs which are offered by PMI Accredited Training Organizations, popularly known as ATOs. There is another substantial way by which you can continue earning PDUs, for instance, you’ll have to attend webinars, congress, conferences and other events to indulge in learning popularly known as self-directed. In this way you can also earn PDUs.

  1. Who will provide me with SAFe® Scrum Master certification?

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is provided by Scaled Agile, Inc. The certification covers the popular methodology required to scale agile at enterprise level. If you navigate the history of SAFe, the methodology was released initially by Dean Leffingwell in 2011. At the initial stage, SAFe® served as a knowledge base for organizations across the globe to adopt Agile. The SAFe® Scrum Master certification is provided to those professionals who have successfully completed the Scrum Master® Certification exam.

  1. Is it possible for me to become certified SSM without undertaking the certification training?

You’re required to complete the certification course with Simpliaxis and pass the exam to become SAFe® Scrum Master. Scaled Agile firmly believes true learning is possible via in-person training alongside hands-on experience from an official SAFe Program Consultant. Also, without participating in the training program, you cannot attain the certification.

  1. What process do I have to follow in order to become a certified SAFe® Scrum Master?

The following is the process to become Certified SAFe® Scrum Master:

  • First and foremost step is to be trained by Simpliaxis, the authorized Scaled Agile training partner
  • Attend the training period of two days delivered by SPC, an expert SAFe® Program Consultant
  • After completing the two-day training successfully, you’ll immediately receive the information on examination alongside the login credentials which will come directly from Scale Agile
  • Then you’ve to log in by using the credentials provided to you
  • The exam is 90 minutes long and attend the 45 MCQs asked on the exam (Note that the exam is closed-book type)
  • To pass the SAFe® 6.0 examination you’d have to score 73%
  • Upon passing the exam, you’ll become Certified SAFe® Scrum Master
  • Then you’ll receive the PDF certificate of SAFe® Scrum Master and then the Digital Badge within a week of working days
  1. Will I be receiving a completing certification from Simpliaxis?

No, Simpliaxis doesn't provide any course completion certificate, their entire process is taken care of by Scrum Alliance.

  1. How long will it take me to get a SAFe® Scrum Master certification?

In order to become a certified SAFe® Scrum Master, an individual you like has to attend two-day training under the tutelage of SAFe® Program Consultant. Hereafter, you’re going to be required to attend an examination to demonstrate your SAFe knowledge and get certified in the long run. Upon passing the exam, you’ll be deemed as certified. As the certification is delivered by the globally renowned SPCs, you can begin your enrolling process for the SSM certification.

  1. As this certification is completely online, will it say my certification is Virtually obtained?

No, your certificate is not going to mention anywhere the mode of course concerning the certification. The certificate is exactly the same as that of the in-person attendees which means you don’t have to worry about how your certification is perceived. The online training is as good as the in-person certification.

  1. Do I need to renew my SSM certification?

There are several benefits that come with renewing your SSM certification. For instance, the following are the things that renewing a SAFe® Scrum Master certification can help you with:

  • Demonstrating Professional Growth: There are several reasons as to why you should renew your SAFe® Scrum Master certification. One of the reasons is to demonstrate your skills and expertise to your peers and employers. A certification credential like SSM ensures that the professionals take their roles seriously and are always looking for ways to improve their skills.
  • Making contributions towards Agile Transformation: When you renew your SAFe® Scrum Master certification, you become the go-to person to drive Agile transformations across organizations while getting aligned with principles of Lean-Agile.
  • Continuous Access to Education Credits: The renewal program will continue offering education credits which are incredibly valuable for you to maintain your professional licence and certifications.
  • Adapt to Changing needs of Industries: When you renew your certification, you learn to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of different industries. The certification will help you with brand-new tools alongside knowledge for addressing the emerging challenges seamlessly.
  1. What will happen if I don’t want to renew my SSM certification, but be a member of SAFe® Community Platform?

There is a way for you to continue to benefit from the interactions and content from the SAFe® Community Platform by paying a fee of $195.

  1. Is there any process by which I can renew my SSM certification?

Scaled Agile offers two ways by which you can renew your certification:

SAFe® Expert Membership: If you’re currently in the possession of the SPCT or SPC certifications, you’ll be opting for the membership as SAFe® expert. The membership will be renewing all the certification alongside RTE. The expert membership provides you access to all the content related to SAFe while enabling the SPCTs or SPCs to help train others ito lead charge with Lean-Agile transformation.

The membership will cost $995 Per Year + Taxes

SAFe® Advanced Membership: For this membership to work in your favour, you’re going to have to hold at least one or more Advanced SAFe® certifications. If you have the following certifications then you can opt for this membership:

  • Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)
  • SAFe® for Architects (ARCH)
  • Release Train Engineer (RTE)
  • Agile Product Management (APM)
  • SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master

The membership will cost $295 Per Year + Taxes

  1. What is the SAFe® 6.0 release about?

Scale Agile, Inc is on the mission to meet the changing needs of SAFe Enterprises & Partner communities. The mission furthermore helps them commit to evolve SAFe practices and continue supporting the professionals.

The latest iteration of SAFe® 6.0 offers a brand-new and most effective Lean-Agile practices. SAFe® 6.0 enables forward-thinking enterprises for navigating the ever-changing rapid challenges alongside opportunities.

  1. Is there any framework guidance included in SAFe® 6.0 update?

Scale Agile released the latest update namely the 6.0 back on March 15, 2023. The SAFe® 6.0 comes with several new and significantly advanced practices which supports and at the same time enables newest commercial and technical trends. With the 6.0 update, you’ll explore eight crucial ways for accelerating the overall value flow across different enterprises. In addition to this, there are six themes that highlights important updates & additions:

  • Building stronger agility foundation across businesses
  • Empowering teams and clarifying responsibility
  • Speed up the overall value flow
  • Improve overall business agility although Businesses alongside SAFe
  • Learn to use Big Data, AI and Cloud for building your future
  • Achieve significantly improved results to grow, measures, and the OKRs
  1. What is the digital badge?

The digital badge represents the virtual image of SAFe® Certification which aids you in sharing, posting, managing and verifying. You can do these with activities in real-time and across several platforms. By the looks of it, the digital badge authenticates certification and at the same time demonstrates an individual ability to practice SAFe and commit to professional growth

  1. Is there any way for me to know if I possess Digital Badge from Scale Agile, Inc?

You’re going to receive the notification via an email where there will be instructions related to claiming batches. As per our understanding the mail would also feature information on how you’ll be able to set up your account to manage your certification and share it with anyone you want.

  1. Are there any benefits of having the digital badge?

The benefits which you receive from having the SAFe® Scrum Master digital batch are:

  • The digital batch helps you to share your expertise in a straightforward format
  • Employees are going to have better insight regarding your expertise, capabilities and experience
  • You can look for job opportunities through the acclaimed platform
  1. Do I have to pay an hidden or additional fee to get the digital batch?

There are no additional fees included when it comes to getting the digital batch. The digital badge is part of the benefits that come under the SAFe® Community subscription. The batch is going to remain valid till you stay as the member of the community platform. As far as the membership expiration is concerned, if you don’t renew the badge page, it will display as expired.

  1. How difficult is the SAFe® Scrum Master examination?

Given that the SSM exam is classified as a closed-book, it’s still not difficult for you or anyone else to pass. The only catch is that you should attend and receive the necessary training with our intensive coaching and exam preparation. Our training is geared to help you pass the exam with 73% on the first attempt itself.

  1. If I choose to back out of the exam and take it later, is it possible?

The exam comes with a time limit of approximately 90 minutes and you cannot pause the exam or the test. If you skip the test voluntarily or involuntarily, you can reopen the exam tab immediately. In case if you lose access to the test or lose internet for an extended period, you’d need to reach to support@scaledagile.com to get a resolution for the problem.

  1. In case I fail, can I retake the exam?

By the looks of it, the first attempt to the exam comes integrated with the course registration fee. Moreover, you’ve to take the exam within the first 30 days of completing the course. In case you fail, there are the repercussions:

  • Each exam after the first one is going to cost $50 per attempt
  • The first retake or the second exam can be taken immediately after the first exam
  • The third attempt comes with a waiting period of 10 days
  • The subsequent exam attempts will have a waiting period of 30 days

Nevertheless, with Simpliaxis certification training you’ll easily pass the exam in first attempt

  1. What is the waiting time for the result of the SAFe® Scrum Master exam?

The results are revealed immediately after completing the exam. Ensure that upon completing the exam, you’ll have to click on the submit option to get the result out.

  1. Are there any attempts to pass the SAFe® Scrum Master certification exam?

As per our understanding, there aren’t any limits as to how many times you can attempt the exam. If you’ve the resources to pay for it, then you’re sorted. The Scaled Agile, Inc allows you and other candidates to take the first attempt irrespective of no cost by completing the course within 30 days. And after that each attempt will cost $50.

  1. How secure are those digital badges?

Questions might arise at the back of your mind as the badges are nothing but digital image files, but that doesn’t mean they are unsafe. The badge from Scaled Agile is significantly secure and also reliable as it is linked to unique verified data. Hence, the possibility of someone copying the certification is not possible as its part of your associated identity.

An invaluable resource for Seasoned and Aspirants Professionals

With this blog, we did our bit to address the common concerns and queries related to the SSM certification course. From eligibility criteria, to training requirements and the exam format, we’ve tried to answer some questions that will provide you the insight to understand if the certification is good for you. By indulging into these FAQs, you won’t only gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall certification but also the intricacies of the SAFe® framework.

If you’re looking for ways to kickstart your career, or just enhance your preexisting knowledge and explore some of the new opportunities. These FAQs are curated to help you navigate through the ins and outs of SAFe® Scrum Master certification with utmost confidence and assurance. As a career enabler, it’s our responsibility to help you stay informed, be prepared and pave the way towards a successful career with this unique certification.

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SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master certification training course delivered by the globally recognized training institute, Simpliaxis. Enroll now online for the best SSM (SAFe® SM course.
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SAFe® 6.0 DevOps certification training delivered by highly experienced instructors. ✓Highly Interactive Training. Register now online for the interactive SAFe® DevOps practitioner classes.
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A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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Course Objectives

SASM Certification Learning Objectives | Course Agenda

A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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certification cost

SAFe® 6.0 Advanced Scrum Master(SASM) Certification Training Cost

A SAFe® Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) Certification enables the Scrum Masters to learn the principles of facilitating, enabling, and coaching in a multi-team environment for increasing the performance and improving the scale. During this course, candidates will learn how to facilitate interaction between stakeholders, teams, and product managers, how to scale DevOps practices and apply Kanban techniques.
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certification cost

SPC Certification Cost | SAFe Practice Consultant Training Cost

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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certification syllabus

Implementing SAFe (SPC) Certification Syllabus | SPC Exam Syllabus

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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certification renewal process

Implementing SAFe (SPC) Certification Renewal Process & Cost

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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exam pattern

SAFe Practice Consultant Exam Format | SPC Exam Pattern

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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certification process

SPC Certification Process | How to Become an SPC (SAFe Practice Consultant)?

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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Course Objectives

Implementing SAFe (SPC) Certification Learning Objectives

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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Implementing SAFe Certification Eligibility | SPC Requirements - Prerequisites

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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Target Audience

Who Should Take SAFe Practice Consultant Certification - Target Audience

Unlock success with Simpliaxis's SPC Certification Training. Join our comprehensive course on Implementing SAFe® 6.0 with SPC Certification and boost your career. Enroll now!
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certification syllabus

SAFe Practitioner Course Syllabus | SAFe for Teams Training Curriculum

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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certification renewal process

SAFe Practitioner (SP) Certification Renewal | Process, Validity, Fee

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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Certification Eligibility

SAFe Practitioner Certification Eligibility | SAFe for Teams Prerequisites

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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Course Objectives

SAFe Practitioner Certification Learning Objectives | Course Outcomes

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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exam pattern

SP - SAFe Practitioner Exam Format | SAFe Teams Course Exam Pattern

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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Target Audience

Who Should Take SAFe Practitioner Certification - Target Audience

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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certification process

SAFe Practitioner Certification Process | Steps to Gain SP Certification

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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certification cost

SAFe® for Teams (Certified SAFe® Practitioner) Certification Cost

SAFe® for Teams enables participants to become team members of an Agile team or an ART (Agile Release Train). Candidates learn the skills to help achieve organizational goals in the Lean-Agile ecosystem as high-performing team members. As a certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner, candidates get trained effectively for team collaboration.
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certification cost

SAFe RTE Certification Cost | Registration Price

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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certification renewal process

SAFe RTE Certification Renewal | Process, Cost & Validity

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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exam pattern

SAFe RTE Exam Format | Release Train Engineer Exam Pattern

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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certification process

SAFe RTE Certification Process | How to become an RTE?

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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Course Objectives

SAFe RTE Certification Learning Objectives | Course Agenda & Outcomes

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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Certification Eligibility

SAFe RTE Certification Prerequisites - Eligibility & Requirements

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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Target Audience

Who can take SAFe RTE Certification: Target Audience

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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certification syllabus

SAFe RTE Course Syllabus | Release Train Engineer Curriculum

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our SAFe® 6.0 Release Train Engineer Certification training. Enroll now for the Safe RTE Certification course, a globally recognized program!
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certification process

Who Can Take SAFe POPM Certification?

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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certification syllabus

SAFe POPM Course Syllabus | Curriculum - Aligned with Scaled Agile

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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certification renewal process

SAFe® 6.0 POPM Certification Renewal | Process - Cost - Expiration

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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certification process

SAFe POPM Certification Process | How to get POPM Certification?

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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Course Objectives

SAFe POPM Certification Learning Objectives | Course Outcomes

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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exam pattern

SAFe POPM Exam Format | Exam Pattern | Passing Score

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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Certification Eligibility

SAFe POPM Certification Eligibility | Requirements | Prerequisites

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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certification cost

SAFe POPM Certification Cost | Exam Fee | Registration Price | Renewal Fee

SAFe® POPM certification: Enroll now for the online interactive classes of SAFe® Product owner/Product manager certification course and get 100% certification.
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certification renewal process

SAFe Agile Certification Renewal | How to Renew SAFe Agilist Certification?

Eroll for the Leading SAFe® (6.0) certification training at Simpliaxis and get SAFe® agilist certification. Get trained by renowned SPCs and earn 16 PDUs and SEUs.
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certification cost

SAFe® Scrum Master Certification Cost - Training, Certification

SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master certification training course delivered by the globally recognized training institute, Simpliaxis. Enroll now online for the best SSM (SAFe® SM course.
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Certification Eligibility

SAFe® Agilist Certification Requirements | SAFe Agile Certification Eligibility

Eroll for the Leading SAFe® (6.0) certification training at Simpliaxis and get SAFe® agilist certification. Get trained by renowned SPCs and earn 16 PDUs and SEUs.
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certification process

SAFe® Agilist Certification Process | How to become a Certified SAFe Agilist?

Eroll for the Leading SAFe® (6.0) certification training at Simpliaxis and get SAFe® agilist certification. Get trained by renowned SPCs and earn 16 PDUs and SEUs.
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credited salary

SAFe Agilist Salary | Scaled Agile Certified SAFe Agilist (SA) Salary

Eroll for the Leading SAFe® (6.0) certification training at Simpliaxis and get SAFe® agilist certification. Get trained by renowned SPCs and earn 16 PDUs and SEUs.
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