

Data Manipulation Language

Author Ankita Biswas
Published16 DEC 2024

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Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a vital element of the database system which helps users to work within the information stored in databases. When you are maintaining small-scale tasks or dealing with organizational-level information, DML commands play a crucial part in ensuring consistency of data as well as accessibility & usability. 

In this blog post, we'll understand DML thoroughly, focusing on the various aspects, types, importance, and practical applications. At the end of this blog you'll have an excellent comprehension of the way DML commands can be used to enhance databases.

What is Data Manipulation Language (DML)?

Data Manipulation Language, or DML is an element of SQL (Structured Query Language) created to work with databases' data. The DML language provides tools to add, modify deletion, insert, and read information from databases. These tools form the foundation of management of databases, which allows the smooth handling of data.

DML refers to SQL commands that alter the data in databases' tables. In contrast to other SQL subsets, such as Data Definition Language (DDL) or Data Query Language (DQL), DML mainly focuses on the handling of data.

Key Characteristics:

  • Dynamic in Nature: It provides real-time information updating and retrieval.
  • Interaction-Oriented: Focuses on data manipulation rather than structural changes.
  • Integrity Maintenance: Assures the accuracy and consistency of data throughout transactions.

Key Features of DML

Key Features of DML can help you better understand its importance in database operation. The most prominent characteristics:

  • Data-centric: DML commands directly access the databases. This makes it simple to control and modify the data.
  • Transactional Support: The changes created using DML commands are able to be reversed if required to ensure data security when errors occur.
  • Syntax that is User-Friendly: DML commands are intuitive, which makes them usable even for people with the most basic SQL understanding.
  • Compatibility: Supported across a variety of database management platforms (DBMS) like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server and PostgreSQL.

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Types of DML Commands

DML commands can be broadly categorized into the following:

1. INSERT Command

  • Purpose: Adds new rows of data into a table.
  • Syntax:


INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

  • Example:

INSERT INTO employees (name, position, salary) VALUES ('John Doe', 'Manager', 75000);

2. UPDATE Command

  • Purpose: Modifies existing data within a table.
  • Syntax:

UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;
  • Example:

UPDATE employees SET salary = 80000 WHERE name = 'John Doe';

3. DELETE Command

  • Purpose: Removes data from a table.
  • Syntax:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
  • Example:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE name = 'John Doe';

4. SELECT Command

  • Purpose: Retrieves data from one or more tables.
  • Syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;
  • Example:


SELECT name, position FROM employees WHERE salary > 70000;

DML vs. Other SQL Commands

While SQL comprises several subsets, DML stands out due to its unique role in data interaction. 

Here’s a comparison:






PurposeManipulate dataDefine database structureQuery dataControls user access
ImpactAffects table dataAlters schema or structureNo direct impactManages permissions
Transactional SupportYesNoNoNo

Importance of DML in Databases

DML is an important aspect of the management of databases for various reasons:

  1. Enhances Data Management: It's a way to control large quantities of data being utilized in modern applications.
  2. Dynamic Applications Support:  DML commands that let applications connect to databases in a dynamic way.
  3. Supports Data Analytics: Data Analytics aids in identifying important insights, and then studying them by the search of data.
  4. Ensure Accuracy: DML has an ability to handle transactions. DML ensures the integrity of data throughout the process.

Real-World Scenarios Where DML Commands are Essential

  • E-commerce Platforms:
    • Updates on product information such as Prices, details, and the stock levels automatically.
    • Ex. Adjusting inventory following the purchase.
  • Banking Systems:
    • Controlling transactions and information about accounts.
    • Example: Recording deposits and withdrawals.
  • Healthcare Management:
    • Record keeping for patients and maintaining medical records.
    • Example: Add details about a new patient or changing the treatment plan.

Example Use Cases Demonstrating DML Commands

Use Case 1: Employee Management System


-- Add a new employee

INSERT INTO employees (name, position, department) VALUES ('Alice', 'Developer', 'IT');

-- Update employee details

UPDATE employees SET position = 'Senior Developer' WHERE name = 'Alice';

-- Retrieve employees in IT department

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'IT';

-- Remove an employee record

DELETE FROM employees WHERE name = 'Alice';

Use Case 2: Online Shopping Portal


-- Add a new product

INSERT INTO products (name, price, stock) VALUES ('Smartphone', 500, 100);

-- Update stock after purchase

UPDATE products SET stock = stock - 1 WHERE name = 'Smartphone';

-- Fetch all available products

SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock > 0;

-- Delete a discontinued product

DELETE FROM products WHERE name = 'Smartphone';

Best Practices for Using DML Commands

  1. Use WHERE Clause with care: Make sure to avoid accidental changes or deletions by defining specific requirements.
  2. Make sure to enable transactions: Always use BEGIN TRANSACTION as well as ROLLBACK in critical situations.
  3. Test Commands: Run tests using a development system prior to performing these in the production.
  4. Backup data frequently: Make sure that backups are set up to be able to recover from data loss that occurs unexpectedly.
  5. Optimize Queries: Employ Indexing & optimized queries in order to increase efficiency.

Advanced DML Operations

Batch Processing:

  • Use DML commands in batches for large datasets to enhance efficiency.
  • Example:

INSERT INTO sales (product_id, quantity, total) VALUES (1, 10, 500), (2, 5, 200);

Using Joins with DML:

Combine data from multiple tables using joins in SELECT queries.


SELECT customers.name, orders.order_date FROM customers 

JOIN orders ON customers.id = orders.customer_id;

CTEs and Subqueries:

Leverage Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for complex DML operations.


WITH RecentOrders AS (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date > '2024-01-01')

SELECT * FROM RecentOrders;

Error Handling:

  • Use error-catching mechanisms like TRY-CATCH blocks in procedural SQL.


Data Manipulation Language (DML) is essential for effectively managing databases as well as application development. Its capability to alter, update and access data in a dynamic manner can make it an essential instrument for both developers and database administrators. Through mastering DML commands, and following the best practices, you will be able to make the most of SQL to run a variety of real-world applications.

Take advantage of DML as the foundation of database interactions. You will observe the profound effects it could bring to your work.

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