

5S in Six Sigma

PublishedOctober 22, 2022

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The idea of 5S in Six Sigma denotes a method of paying attention to and thinking to better organize and manage the workspace, particularly by getting rid of 8 waste as explained by the Lean Manufacturing system. In organizations that follow Lean manufacturing practices, it is one of the most fundamental and widely used components. The common-sense and simple application of 5S has made it the most dependable and highly effective stabilizing force among other Lean Strategies.

5S in Six Sigma – A Basic Understanding:

In Six Sigma, many tools are being used by organizations. Most of these tools are known to work towards improving efficiency and production irrespective of the nature of the business. Among them, 5S is an effective system that helps organizations in many ways. The unique thing about this feature is that it has a step-by-step template that is not only easy to follow but will also bring down waste and can make things run more efficiently for any organization.

In short, the 5S tool will help with neatly organizing a workplace. When a workplace stays neatly organized, it will be considered safe. The 5s in Six Sigma include five important steps that should be followed in the same order:

5 Steps Explained:

1. Sort or Seiri:

For any organization to stay organized, different kinds of objects should be sorted and kept in order. This order can be chosen based on different parameters. For instance, it can be decided based on the size of the objects. Here, the term objects will differ based on the nature of the industry. Also, this term can be used both interchangeably and ambiguously. For instance, if your business is into shipment and logistics, you can apply this step for the separation of goods that you get from courier services. On the other hand, if your business is involved in fashion influencing, you can arrange varied kinds of fabrics and garments and then accessories. Let us consider that you are a programmer. In this case, this step will help you sort out which programming language should be used for developing which application.

2. Set in Order or Seiton: 

In this second step in 5s Lean Six Sigma methodology, your team will have to reorganize the workplace. This reorganizing should be done after getting rid of unwanted equipment and tools. When your team reaches this step, you should follow a practice of “a place for everything and everything in its place”. After this step, the other team members in your organization can easily locate the resources they need. Above all, they need not have to waste unnecessary time searching for things they need. So, this step involves a systematic arrangement of all tools and resources.

3. Shine or Seiso:

When things are properly organized and reorganized, the next step is to clean the workplace without any dust, dirt or garbage. In turn, issues can be spotted with ease. The issues here differ from one organization to another. It can be damage, wastage, leaks, spills and other methods of wastage.

When your team reaches this step, the members will have to spot the root causes for inappropriateness and should take corrective actions. During this step, it should be ensured that only one activity is done at a time to avoid confusion. Also, when reaching this stage of 5S in Six Sigma, the equipment and tools required should be kept in top condition and clean. Also, they should be prepared in such a way that they stay ready to use anytime by other team members without wasting time on cleaning the tools. 

This step suggests that cleaning should be a part of day-to-day activities and 5 minutes should be dedicated to this purpose. When other teams arrive, they should be able to understand that things are already neatly organized. This can be done by using charts with initials/signatures.

4. Standardize or Seiketsu:

This step involves the generation of ideas to sustain the things achieved through the three steps mentioned above. When they reach this step, your team should take part in the process of creating a set of standards that will govern proper maintenance of the workspace in the coming days, weeks and months. Once this standard becomes a habit, all old habits will fade away. But, to make it a habit a lot of enforcement and oversight might be needed. 

This step in 5s Lean Six Sigma takes the progress and changes in behavior from the initial three steps and makes them the standard procedure.

5. Sustain or Shitsuke:

The purpose of this S in the 5s in Six Sigma is to sustain the new practices that you have implemented. In this stage, you will have to take steps to develop team discipline if the processes involve the work of an entire team. Otherwise, if only a single person is involved, it is better to ensure that the discipline becomes part of your business culture.

In What Places Can 5S Be Implementation:

Irrespective of whether your organization is a public or private sector enterprise, engaged in manufacturing or whether your industry is service-oriented, you can use the 5S Lean Six Sigma practices. Irrespective of whether it is a tool area in a factory, a laboratory in a hospital or a storage unit in an office, these practices will help with keeping things organized. 

How To Implement 5s In Six Sigma?

Now, you know whether or not this practice will suit your business. Now, if you are confident that it will work wonders for your workspace, then how to apply it will be your question. Here are the steps involved:

Also, Check:Six Sigma Dmaic process & methodology

Get Involvement:

Are you a leader or a Lean Advocate? If so, you will be well aware of the fact that when people accept and own the same, the application will become easier and smoother. The first thing you will have to do is to choose a department in your organization, where you would like to implement 5S Lean Six Sigma practices. One of the obvious ways to demonstrate 5S improvements is by organizing the workplace. So, you can begin with it. In case, your organization deals with a lot of data and files, you can implement it for data storage and management for effective results. 

But, before you engage your employees, it is better to conduct a 5S training or introductory session. Immediately after the training session, they can be given the task of organizing a particular space and you can ask them to report back as well. Thereafter, your team members will have to follow the things given below:

  • They should engage in waste reduction activities to get rid of unwanted things.
  • Once the waste is eliminated, they will have to organize the other things in order. Here, they should ensure that things become easy to reach even when other team members reach the space to gather an item.
  • After things are organized, their neatness should be ensured. It means in this phase dust elimination should happen properly.
  • Then, they should standardize the storage and workspace arrangement
  • Finally, steps and plans should be drawn to sustain the 5S practices.

Once everything is in order, as a leader, you will have to conduct regular floor walks and should communicate with teams to get a measure of how they feel about the new protocol and arrangement. Even, you can motivate them to conduct cross-audits and share their feedback. But, the reviews should not be gap-based but should be improvement-based. Initially, it is better to publish the review results widely. However, publishing the review results can be done once most of the team members have embedded the practices to improve productivity. As a leader, you will have to re-energize and reinforce the practices for ensuring sustainability for a longer period.

Also, Check:  Six Sigma Principles

A Better Understanding of 5S:

Preparing a table of 5s in Six Sigma will help you and your teams to gain a quick understanding of the five Ss. Here is a table to understand:

S. No

Japanese Term

English Translation

English Term






This step involves getting rid of whatever is unnecessary by separating the required instructions, parts or tools from materials that are not needed.




Set in order

This step involves organizing the remains after the elimination of waste by neatly arranging and spotting tools and parts for ease of use.





Conducting a clean-up campaign for cleaning the space after things are arranged properly.





Conducting sorting, setting in order and shining every day by scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning practices.





Make 5S a regular habit at the workplace by following the first four Ss daily.

Benefits of 5S Practices:

The advantages of 5S Lean Six Sigma are plenty and here are a few of them:

  • Improved business image to management, employees, suppliers, and customers
  • Better utilization of assets
  • Improved employee morale
  • Increased flexibility and production quickness
  • Reduced costs
  • Lowers rate of defects
  • Higher availability of equipment
  • Improved safety

These are just a few examples of implementing 5S in Six Sigma. You can get more benefits by implementing it to achieve an overall improvement in your organization. 


In conclusion, Simpliaxis offers a structured approach to implementing 5S in Six Sigma, providing organizations with a comprehensive framework for workplace organization and management. By following the steps of Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain, Simpliaxis enables businesses to reduce waste, enhance efficiency, and optimize productivity. Regardless of industry or sector, Simpliaxis provides, leading benefits such as improved business image, asset utilization, employee morale, and safety. With its straightforward yet comprehensive approach, Simpliaxis serves as a foundational strategy within the broader context of Six Sigma, facilitating organizational excellence and continuous improvement.

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