Thinking to get the Advanced Certified Scrum Master certification but not sure whether you are the right person or not to take the A-CSM course. Don’t worry about it as you have landed in the right place. A-CSM is an advanced level certification and not everyone can get enrolled in this course. Here is a list of professionals who can become an Advanced Scrum Master.
Read more...Skill you’ll gain : Scrum & Agile Principles, Project Management tools
16 Hrs|02 or 03 days
180K Enrolled
Thinking to get the Advanced Certified Scrum Master certification but not sure whether you are the right person or not to take the A-CSM course. Don’t worry about it as you have landed in the right place. A-CSM is an advanced level certification and not everyone can get enrolled in this course. Here is a list of professionals who can become an Advanced Scrum Master.
Read more...Skill you’ll gain : Scrum & Agile Principles, Project Management tools
16 Hrs | 02 or 03 days
180K Enrolled
15+ years
Experienced Trainers
15+ years
Experienced Trainers
Here are the roles that can take the Advanced Certified Scrum Master course but are not limited to:
The Advanced Certified Scrum Master Certification target audience requires a minimum of 1-year experience as a Scrum Master and they should hold the active CSM certification from Scrum Alliance. This certification will allow the development of practices of Scrums within an Agile team.
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