Prepare confidently for your ECBA certification exam with this detailed guide. Learn about the IIBA ECBA exam pattern, format, and structure, including the number of questions, duration, and types of questions asked. Explore the ECBA certification syllabus, focusing on key knowledge areas, tasks, and techniques to master. Gain insights into the weightage assigned to different topics, enabling strategic preparation.
Read more...Skill you'll gain : Business Analysis skills, Design fundamentals
24 Hrs|03 or 05 days
70K+ Enrolled
Prepare confidently for your ECBA certification exam with this detailed guide. Learn about the IIBA ECBA exam pattern, format, and structure, including the number of questions, duration, and types of questions asked. Explore the ECBA certification syllabus, focusing on key knowledge areas, tasks, and techniques to master. Gain insights into the weightage assigned to different topics, enabling strategic preparation.
Read more...Skill you'll gain : Business Analysis skills, Design fundamentals
24 Hrs | 03 or 05 days
70K+ Enrolled
12+ Years
Experienced Trainers
12+ Years
Experienced Trainers
The ECBA (Entry Certificate in Business Analysis) certification exam is a computer-based test administered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). It is designed to assess the basic knowledge of individuals aspiring to become business analysts.
The Entry Certificate in Business Analysis™ (ECBA™) Training Course is your gateway to a fulfilling career in business analysis. Before you take the leap and showcase your expertise, familiarize yourself with the ECBA™ exam details.
Read more about ECBA Certification Cost
The ECBA exam assesses your understanding of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide) version 3.0. The exam questions are distributed across 5 key knowledge areas:
Knowledge Areas (KA) | % of Questions per KA | Number of Questions asked |
1. Business analysis planning and monitoring | 5% | 3 |
2. Elicitation and collaboration | 20% | 10 |
3. Requirements life cycle management | 20% | 13 |
4. Requirements analysis and design definition | 25% | 10 |
5. Business analysis knowledge | 30% | 15 |
| 2.5% | 0 or 1 |
| 5% | 1 |
| 5% | 1 |
| 17.5% | 2 or 3 |
Check out ECBA Exam Preparation Tips and Tricks
It's important to note that the ECBA exam is a knowledge-based test, meaning it assesses your understanding of business analysis concepts, techniques, and processes as described in the BABOK Guide.
To prepare for the ECBA exam, you can refer to the BABOK Guide v3, take an ECBA certification training course, or use online study resources and practice exams. Simpliaxis offers comprehensive study materials and practice tests to help you prepare effectively for the ECBA exam.